DRAM is the most prevalent memory technology used in laptops, mobile phones, workstations and servers. As such, its security is paramount, yet DRAM attacks remain as viable as ever despite many attempts to resolve its security problems. The toolkit of DRAM disturb attacks has expanded with the introduction of new techniques such as Half-Double and RowPress, and it is likely that additional form of disturbance errors (and reliability and security issues) will emerge as we scale DRAM devices to smaller feature sizes. DRAM is also plagued by additional forms of attack, including side-channel, Denial-of-Service (DoS), and cold-boot attacks.
Against this backdrop, the industry is introducing new DRAM security solutions that require independent scrutiny from the academia. Academia continues to propose novel fixes for Rowhammer, often without the benefit of insight into constraints faced by the industry.
Time ART (29th) | Time CEST (29th) | Time KST (30th) | Topic |
14:00 - 14:45 | 19:00 - 19:45 | 02:00 - 02:45 | Keynote |
14:45 - 15:05 | 19:45 - 20:05 | 02:45 - 03:05 | Paper presentation |
15:05 - 15:30 | 20:05 - 20:30 | 03:05 - 03:30 | Break |
15:30 - 16:30 | 20:30 - 21:30 | 03:30 - 04:30 | Panel |
16:30 - 17:30 | 21:30 - 22:30 | 04:30 - 05:30 | Paper Presentations |
17:30 - 17:35 | 22:30 - 22:35 | 05:30 - 05:35 | Conclusion |
RISC-H: Rowhammer Attacks on RISC-V
Michele Marazzi, Kaveh Razavi
GbHammer: Malicious Inter-process Page Sharing by Hammering Global Bits in Page Table Entries
Keigo Yoshioka, Soramichi Akiyama
Understanding the Security Benefits and Overheads of Emerging Industry Solutions to DRAM Read Disturbance
Oğuzhan Canpolat, Giray Yaglikci, Geraldo Francisco de Oliveira Junior, Ataberk Olgun, Oguz Ergin, Onur Mutlu
Paper (as submitted)
Updated Version (Aug 7, 2024)
SoothSayer: Bypassing DSAC Mitigation by Predicting Counter Replacement
Salman Qazi, Daniel Moghimi
Stefan Saroiu, Microsoft Research
Tanj Bennett, Avant-Gray LLC
Kaveh Razavi, ETH Zürich
Onur Mutlu, ETH Zürich
Kuljit Bains, NVIDIA
Daniel Genkin, Georgia Tech